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Coccyx Pain

How Coccyx Treatment Can Help You

Coccygeal pain (Coccydynia) – tail bone pain

Coccygeal problems can be very painful, persistent and cause a great deal of irritation to the patient both physically and mentally.

It is important to get the right diagnosis, as quite a large percentage of patients with “coccygeal pain” is referred from the lumber spine and so a spinal assessment needs to be done well – which is not often done.  

True coccygeal pain can be assessed more effectively if the coccyx is palpated or pressed – this usually brings on the pain. The coccyx remember, is immediately behind the back passage / anus – which also can be affected; with problems passing stools due to the coccyx pain and irritation of the autonomic nerves that reside in the inside surface of the coccyx/sacrum (ganglion impar) – this causes change in gut movement affecting the large bowel.

Traumatic coccyx pain is where the patient falls onto their bottom proper and the coccyx, if pushed in with enough force – causing a fracture. This needs orthopaedic assessment with x-ray diagnosis.

If the trauma is less traumatic then manipulation of the coccyx and its surrounding ligaments per rectumcan be very beneficial indeed. Usually 2 or 3 manipulations – a finger inserted up the back passage  - will sort the problem out, as this releases the tight ligaments that surround the coccyx bone.

In the absence of direct trauma, coccyx problems are often due to a build-up of tension in the back and pelvis due to sitting for long periods of time at work and at home.

A cushion with a hole in the centre can be very beneficial to use while the coccyx problem is being managed/ treated. It is of course vital to get the right diagnosis first.

Injection therapy and surgery should be the reserved for cases where manipulation per rectum has failed. Sometimes coccyx pain settles down of its own accord without or despite therapeutic intervention.

Image of damaged Coccyx
Videos of Interest

See these videos to understand other conditions that you or your family or friends might have.

Cervical Radiculopathy
Click on the video to watch
Lateral Collateral Ligament (LCL) Injury
Click on the video to watch
Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injuries in Women
Click on the video to watch
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How we Help

Watch this video to understand more about this very painful condition which is often miss-diagnosed.

Basingstoke Osteopath offers treatment for coccyx pain

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